No Coincidence

September 11, 2022
What do we bring to our encounters with Jesus? The story of Jesus and the Samaritan woman is one focused on belonging. Amanda tells the story of what the Samaritan…
As we explore this passage in Luke, we get to the heart of this series: a life Christ-centered is one that consistently stays focused on Him. We must take up…
Lance tells the story of Mark 4:35-41 - where the disciples battle a storm while Jesus sleeps in the back of the boat. He reminds us that often we, like…
What have you passed on to the next generation? “Have y’all ever seen a ghost?” Legacies can be full of joys, but they also can be full of pain and…
It’s Jim’s final Sunday with us, and he’s going to make it count. There’s one theme that Jim’s been hitting this whole series - and on his last Sunday, he’s…
What do you call a fish in a bow tie? "SoFISHticatied" This special Father's Day sermon begins with some awful dad jokes, and turns to what it means to be…