
July 29, 2018
A baptism trick that pastors quickly learn is that to baptize someone in a river, you have to baptize against the current - and allow the force of the water…


July 22, 2018
As Andy returns from his trip, he focuses on what it's like when God calls us back to home - and how he pulls us out of the wilderness. Plus,…


July 22, 2018
Ann tells the story of how Moses called water from the rock with his staff, and reminds us that God will take anything to reveal himself to us, and then…


July 15, 2018
Where do you go to find God? What does a holy place look like? Brandi explores how we find God, and the places we go to find him. To show…


July 8, 2018
Andy talks about three ways he saw the Holy Spirit at work in our church this week, one of which involved the miraculous appearance of a literal busload of Lutherans.…


July 8, 2018
Often we don't feel up to the task, but Ann reminds us that the Holy Spirit isn't bothered one bit by where we are. She goes through the Bible to…


July 1, 2018
Back from his trip with the youth group to Peru, Andy talks about what it means to be changed - and how being changed, and pledging to follow Christ, requires…
To tell the story of how Jesus gives us a light burden as we follow him, Ann tells the story of Mike and Julie, who lost their way in figuring…
Listening to the radio while bringing his son to college, Andy ends up reflecting on the nature of the refugee, and the wanderers from whom Christianity begins: the Israelites. Then…