Clear Vision

March 29, 2020
Andy talks about a man born blind and how Jesus healed him, and in light of current times, how we deal with those who are in struggle. "There is pain,"…
Andy jokes his way through the troubles of quarantine, before turning to talking about having compassion for those dealing with the realities of the situation, reaching out to those around…
It has been a tough week, and there's a lot of trepidation for what lies ahead. But Andy lays out the path that God has for us, the ways in…


March 1, 2020
This week in the final sermon of the Dream series, Ann talks about what it means to be a sheep or a goat.


February 23, 2020
This week, Andy discusses the scriptures Dr. King references in his "I Have A Dream..." speech.


February 23, 2020
This week, Brandi talks about Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. as a preacher and his "I Have A Dream..." speech.


February 16, 2020
This week, Donyale begins the sermon series following the scriptures that inspired Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.


February 2, 2020
This week, Andy talks about the differences in a person when they view life through a lens of scarcity or a lens of abundance.