The Gift

December 19, 2021
Not everyone has had the chance to receive the gift that is Christ this Christmas. But it's not hopeless.

Dawn of a New Day

December 5, 2021
As we anticipate the coming Messiah, we are looking to God in the midst of the wilderness. There are spaces in our lives where we feel might not be worthy…

Prepare The Way

November 28, 2021
God has put a path in front of us - are you and I going to step down it? Today’s scripture is a common Advent passage - a passage about…

Be Our Guest

November 7, 2021
When people accept the invitation Christ offers, the world changes. Andy discusses the importance of making an invitation to others by pointing the way Jesus did just that: he ate…


October 24, 2021
Today’s story is one of the Lord who forgives the debts of his servant, and how that servant could not continue that grace to the servant who owed them. It’s…


October 17, 2021
Today’s story is one of the lord who forgives the debts of his servant, and how that servant could not continue that grace to the servant who owed them. It’s…


October 10, 2021
A lot of people would call that charity, but in the scriptures, this is what justice looks like. As we kick off this year’s missions series, Amanda emphasizes God’s requirement…