In the story of the loaves and the fishes, Jesus looks at a tiny amount of food and declares it enough for a multitude. Where others see lack, God sees…
Lance finds the culmination of all these stories of encounters in Jesus’ meeting with Zaccheus. Don’t underestimate the way people’s lives can be transformed at a table together. We have…
Light drives away the darkness, but it also draws people in. To illustrate, Lance talks about the anti-gravitational principle when it comes to following Christ: the one who is brought…
What do we bring to our encounters with Jesus? The story of Jesus and the Samaritan woman is one focused on belonging. Amanda tells the story of what the Samaritan…
Today’s message is a “story sandwich”: one story pushed in the middle of another story, but both stories tell us the same message: that Jesus will stop at nothing to…
Which is easier: to say, ‘Your sins are forgiven,’ or to say, ‘Get up and walk’?
As we explore this passage in Luke, we get to the heart of this series: a life Christ-centered is one that consistently stays focused on Him. We must take up…
Have you ever heard the expression, "Home is where the heart is"? Well, abiding is much deeper than the place that you have your stuff in or the physical place…
Jesus turned to the disciples and asked "Who do you say I am?"
Lance tells the story of Mark 4:35-41 - where the disciples battle a storm while Jesus sleeps in the back of the boat. He reminds us that often we, like…
Love god, Love your Neighbor.