We have to stop allowing our worldly perspective to reflect on our perfect creator. “There is hope in our pain and there is purpose in our joy.” Mother’s Day can…
This weeks sermon Ken asks the question, "Are you blessed?"
“Do the crazy thing. The hard to imagine but somehow you did it thing, then no one would ever do it that way thing, the safety net does not matter…
John said the Word was made flesh. That was blasphemy to some people. But the Word being made flesh is what makes Easter the miracle that it is. If we…
God’s message to Elijah was not one that he wanted to hear. We have to let go of our purpose, and let God's purpose take hold. “Are you listening? Or are…
Ken starts the sermon with a poll on patience, and waiting on God, before talking about the story of the Israelites failing to wait on God so badly that they…
The Gray: “Have You Experienced His Spirit?“ - Anthony Rogers Anthony tries out a new word: “imputed,” in order to talk about imputed righteousness versus imparted righteousness. What does that…
There are going to be things in our lives that bring our guiding principles into conflict. There are things in our lives that bring our guiding principles into conflict, and…
Hard problems that don’t have easy answers require that we work together. Amanda talks about a scripture she loves - Acts 2, “the church in a snow globe.” People come…
We are called to be bold - boldness that expresses God’s love for all creation. We can’t just recognize the Spirit that is within us, we have to act on…
Stepping out of a boat is a risky business. Jesus is aware of the risks it takes to follow the will of God. But we as people of God are…