What does it mean for us to be grounded in God through Christ? The writer of today’s scripture highlights this three different times, to let us know that being grounded…
Ken went for a hike with some friends, and came across a massive tree, deeply rooted. And wondered what it would be like to be such a tree, with roots…
Sometimes it’s just important to take a look. And this is going to be a “take a look” Sunday. Today’s sermon is about the resurrection of the body, and that’s…
Kathrin Meier, the director of Neighbors In Action, an organization that works in Port Houston, a 97% immigrant community that is 98% low income, visits The Source to talk about…
When we talk about forgiveness, it stirs us up, right at the very the heart of things. It reminds us of the forgiveness we need, and the forgiveness we need…
When we talk about forgiveness, it stirs us up, right at the very the heart of things. It reminds us of the forgiveness we need, and the forgiveness we need…
When we study the Holy Spirit, we often we try to narrow it down and make it so simple, that we miss out on the best parts. But the truth…
As we recover from the damage of the Hurricane, Amanda explains that while we know what it means NOT to have power, the same power that raised Jesus from the…
Heaven and Sitteth at the Right Hand of God the Father Almighty.
“What makes a bad thing become a good thing?” Have you ever looked back at something terrible that happened to them, and seen the way it turned out to have…
What does it mean to have transformed lives? Sometimes it feels like we’re just playing 20 Questions with ourselves to see what’s dwelling in our heart. Colossians 1:3-14 Listen to…
Ken introduces the church’s new mission statement, and begins a multi-week process of breaking it down piece by piece. Listen to Pastor Ken's Sermon Here