Lent is an opportunity to tune our hearts, to turn back to God, to listen. We need to be people who radically pursue the living God. And we need to…
Being faithful to someone else, to truly trust someone, you have to be 100% in. And you get there in two different ways: through love, and humility. There’s an expression,…
A nice moment in the snow finishes with disaster at the house. Ken comes to us from his destroyed garage to talk about how the love of God we show…
The community created in Acts speaks to something powerful in us that has been intended from the very beginning. We need each other. We need these deep relationships - they…
On MLK Sunday, Ken references the Drum Major Instinct, one of MLK’s last sermons. The entirety of the sermon is available here: https://www.fmhouston.com/mlk/ As he consider's MLK's legacy, he talks…
It's Marty's first sermon with us, and he launches us into Advent by talking about the difficulties of walking in the darkness (especially this year) and the everlasting hope that…
Brandi gives her final sermon with The Source and talks to us about courage. She asks us to never stop stirring the gifts God gives us.
Jesus sits down to eat with a crowd of tax collectors and sinners, and the Pharisees aren’t happy about it. But Andy points out the way that they - and…
Jesus talks about meeting the woman at the well. Often we focus on the story of the woman, but we not how Jesus reacts to her. “When Jesus looks at…
Brandi announces that she has not and will not watch The Sixth Sense, but uses the surprising ending to talk about how the disciples felt when Jesus appeared to them…