He Shall Come to Judge the Quick and the Dead.
As we recover from the damage of the Hurricane, Amanda explains that while we know what it means NOT to have power, the same power that raised Jesus from the…
Heaven and Sitteth at the Right Hand of God the Father Almighty.
Heaven and Sitteth at the Right Hand of God the Father Almighty.
“What makes a bad thing become a good thing?” Have you ever looked back at something terrible that happened to them, and seen the way it turned out to have…
Power outages, and a Presidential shooting, Lance talks about the reality of living in a broken world, and what to do as storms in our life come with greater frequency…
When Lance left the hospital with his first child, he couldn’t believe they were sending him out without an instruction manual. But in life, we are not without direction. God…
On our next step through the Apostles’ Creed, Lance covers “God as maker,” and how the very presence of creation around us reminds us that God is always with us.…