The community created in Acts speaks to something powerful in us that has been intended from the very beginning. We need each other. We need these deep relationships - they…
Lent is a time where people give things up to prepare their hearts for Easter. What if this year, you accepted the invitation? What if you participated in Lent? All…
Reading today's scripture, it points out that we need to be ready to go at any moment. Because there will be a point where you're going to have to account…
We are at a moment, a decision point. Because the world has changed. And coming out of this moment, there are things that are going to need pruning. But pruning…
This has been a tough year financially for our congregation, for the people of our city, and for our church. But looking forward, how is the Holy Spirit going to…
On MLK Sunday, Ken references the Drum Major Instinct, one of MLK’s last sermons. The entirety of the sermon is available here: As he consider's MLK's legacy, he talks…
On MLK weekend, Andy considers Dr. King's legacy, and encourages listeners to go an listen to MLK's "I Have A Dream" speech. (We've made the speech available at if…
As we begin to explore moments of change in the Bible, we start way back in Exodus, with Moses trapped by the Red Sea. In Moses’ moment of crisis, it…
Whenever she's on the road at a hotel, Donyale always makes sure to have the front desk give her a wakeup call. Because as not a morning person, it is…
At the end of a terrifically difficult year, Andy thinks of the people in his life who have made a difference in the world, the people who’ve been the Holy…
Andy shares Biblical parallels between the story of Christ’s birth and a story from the Old Testament - and the story of his eventual death. As he stresses over tough…