On Father’s Day, Ken looks at the way God loves us, and the way he’s finding he doesn’t measure up. As he looks at the period where the Israelites built…
The pandemic has taken a lot of things from us, and one of those things has been the ability to gather together and worship. The story we listen to today…
As we exit the pandemic, there are many of us who are ready just to forget what happened and move on. But this is a powerful moment we should not…
For his sermon, Andy needed an example of crossing lines - and on Sunday morning, he got one. As the world begins to open up; Andy finds himself incredibly excited…
Andy’s determined not to keep telling stories about baseball now that the Astros have started losing, but he’ll tell one more. And that’s of a player whose gifts were considered…
On Confirmation Sunday, Andy wonders what the church will look like in 60, 70 years. Does it invest in mercy and love and kindness? Because that’s what the church should…
Ken gets glasses to deal with eye strain and, as glasses do, they give him a little clarity. When Paul is writing the book of Romans, he's writing about the…
The Gospel of John, from its opening chapter, challenges us. Rather than begin with the story of the Nativity, it first rewrites Genesis from a Jesus-centric point of view. John…
Chapter Five brings us to a fitting bookend for our series, as the whole book has called us to a life of action. The verses remind Donyale of a Twitter…