A Place of Worship

March 21, 2021
During the pandemic, we’ve learned something we should have learned long ago: how to as a church to be a church united with the churches around us. It doesn’t matter…

A Place Of Encounter

March 14, 2021
Encountering the living God is awe-inspiring, and it’s something we don’t want to miss. The question is: “do we expect God in *expected* places?” When we come together for worship…
Being faithful to someone else, to truly trust someone, you have to be 100% in. And you get there in two different ways: through love, and humility. There’s an expression,…
The community created in Acts speaks to something powerful in us that has been intended from the very beginning. We need each other. We need these deep relationships - they…
Lent is a time where people give things up to prepare their hearts for Easter. What if this year, you accepted the invitation? What if you participated in Lent? All…