This weeks sermon Ken asks the question, "Are you blessed?"
“Do the crazy thing. The hard to imagine but somehow you did it thing, then no one would ever do it that way thing, the safety net does not matter…
On Confirmation Sunday, Amanda tells a story about a man who tried to make a pond ready for the fish - and what happens when you aren’t intentional. It also…
John said the Word was made flesh. That was blasphemy to some people. But the Word being made flesh is what makes Easter the miracle that it is. If we…
When Jesus came out of the tomb, he said the most important thing that could have said to Mary: he called her by name. He showed her that he knew…
Jim is struggling with Murphy’s law, as everything goes wrong for him before he steps up to preach today. Sometimes life is more than just a bit of bad luck,…
God’s message to Elijah was not one that he wanted to hear. We have to let go of our purpose, and let God's purpose take hold. “Are you listening? Or are…
Our new interim pastor, Jim Welch, introduces himself to the church and dives right into the story of Elijah fleeing into the wilderness in fear. There, God shows Elijah His…
Bishop Scott Jones talks about hope, and how God is at work in the world, even when we don’t see him. Plus, he delivers some news about district decisions, and…
Ken starts the sermon with a poll on patience, and waiting on God, before talking about the story of the Israelites failing to wait on God so badly that they…