Amanda grew up with an open table - Thanksgiving was a time for all people, no matter how tangentially connected, to have a place. It reminds her of the covenant…
It's an Old Testament story we rarely tell, but as Saul’s family disappeared, David went out of his way to keep finding a place for Mephibosheth (or, as Ken calls…

Be Our Guest

November 7, 2021
“The table is before us.” The Lord wants a full communion with every one of us - each person has a seat at the table. Jordan recalls be asked what…

Be Our Guest

November 7, 2021
When people accept the invitation Christ offers, the world changes. Andy discusses the importance of making an invitation to others by pointing the way Jesus did just that: he ate…
“Shalom means changing the way we see people.” We are surrounded by people living in emergencies at all times, and it wears people out, it destroys their souls. Today’s verse…
Thy Kingdom Come: “Shalom On Earth” - Kristen Jones Does anyone really believe we can have world peace? Kristen sums up our Missions series by exploring the many meanings of…


October 24, 2021
We are called to be in a community with everyone - even the people we dislike. Jordan compares the way we live in community with the way Jesus lived in…


October 24, 2021
Today’s story is one of the Lord who forgives the debts of his servant, and how that servant could not continue that grace to the servant who owed them. It’s…


October 17, 2021
Today’s scripture is a parable - a lesson on how to short-circuit our tendency to want to get back at those who have hurt us. We constantly wander off and…


October 17, 2021
Today’s story is one of the lord who forgives the debts of his servant, and how that servant could not continue that grace to the servant who owed them. It’s…