In the midst of the storms that surround us, how do we keep focused on Jesus?
Love god, Love your Neighbor.
Our new Senior Pastor Lance Richards visits The Source for the first time. He talks about how we have to keep The Main Thing the main thing - and avoid…
What have you passed on to the next generation? “Have y’all ever seen a ghost?” Legacies can be full of joys, but they also can be full of pain and…
It’s Jim’s final Sunday with us, and he’s going to make it count. There’s one theme that Jim’s been hitting this whole series - and on his last Sunday, he’s…
When we push things too far, they tend to break. And conflict always pushes us too far. “It only takes one person in the boldness of love to change the…
What do you call a fish in a bow tie? "SoFISHticatied" This special Father's Day sermon begins with some awful dad jokes, and turns to what it means to be…
Pastor Jordan recounts some of her time at First Methodist Houston where she could have shown more mercy. From the grocery store to the front steps of the church, we…
When Jesus talks about hungering and thirsting for righteousness, the words he used couldn’t be any stronger. Do we feel the same way? Our sense of righteousness is more than…