It’s a great time to pick up a new spiritual habit. Amanda shares some tricks from her seminary days about how to remember some of the more difficult terms, including…
This Advent season, commit to grow in grace. As Lance encourages us to prepare our hearts for this Advent season, his suggestions are practical, and therefore appropriately Methodist. But one…
Ken got called to jury duty this week, which gave him some time to consider the consequences of sin. Description: Ken got called to jury duty this week, which gave…
We tend to think of prophets as good people, but pay close attention to this story and see what God actually says in it. Jonah 4:1-11, Jonah would rather die…
When Ken’s daughter asks him “are bad guys real?”, he realizes it’s a tougher question than he thought. What constitutes a bad guy?The poor, the oppressed, the captive - these…