Ken gets glasses to deal with eye strain and, as glasses do, they give him a little clarity. When Paul is writing the book of Romans, he's writing about the…
Being faithful to someone else, to truly trust someone, you have to be 100% in. And you get there in two different ways: through love, and humility. There’s an expression,…
The community created in Acts speaks to something powerful in us that has been intended from the very beginning. We need each other. We need these deep relationships - they…


January 24, 2021
We are at a moment, a decision point. Because the world has changed. And coming out of this moment, there are things that are going to need pruning. But pruning…


January 17, 2021
On MLK Sunday, Ken references the Drum Major Instinct, one of MLK’s last sermons. The entirety of the sermon is available here: As he consider's MLK's legacy, he talks…
During a vacation, free from email and a constantly ringing phone, Ken is reminded of the old adage that “ignorance is bliss” - but as he looks back in his…

A New Time

April 19, 2020
Ken points out that in the midst of crisis, our walls come down. The realest part of us is exposed. It’s on us, as Christians, to live that faithfully, and…