When the disciples are dragged before the Sanhedrin, it was a battle between two groups absolutely convinced that they were right. But what the members of the Sanhedrin’s ego wouldn’t…
We make person and purpose equivalent. But we are not our purpose. There are things much bigger than us at work.
It's time to have a wider view: the message of Pentecost is that we have ALL been shared a portion of the Spirit of God.
Ken doesn’t like dramas on TV - he thinks he could do it. Because it’s just imagining the worst possible thing that could happen in a situation - which is…
On Mother’s Day, Lance reminds us of the difference the service we do in our homes matters. As we look into the life of Joshua, Lance hones in on something…
Ken grew up in a "meat and potatoes" family, and he loves exploring new food cultures, and introducing others to new things. But the experience is not for everyone. "There…
The Israelites make a golden idol, and Moses responds on behalf of God - but he’s clearly acting on his own. Ken talks about the difficulty with history and finding…
The Source finds itself waiting at the foot of the mountain.
God sticks to his promises.
How do we return to a society that treats everyone with equal dignity? We don’t believe in a Utopian society. Because we don’t see a perfect world. On MLK Sunday,…
Ken dives into the book of Matthew, which starts with what Ken describes as a “bad genealogy.” But it’s there for a very specific purpose. The genealogy takes us to…
This week ken dives into "A Christmas Carol"