God has called us to be about the work. He gives us the seeds and sends us to go sow them. Our instincts are to look for the trees that…
When we study the Holy Spirit, we often we try to narrow it down and make it so simple, that we miss out on the best parts. But the truth…
As we recover from the damage of the Hurricane, Amanda explains that while we know what it means NOT to have power, the same power that raised Jesus from the…
Heaven and Sitteth at the Right Hand of God the Father Almighty.
When we meet the disciples in today’s story, they are still in the thickness of grief - and they remind Amanda a bit of toddlers being picked up after being…
In high school, Amanda went on her first Emmaus experience, and something stuck with her. “Do not anticipate, just participate,” they told her. The phrase has stuck with her. We…
Amanda tells about a wedding that she went to recently that turned into quite a party. The photo she’s talking about you can see on the link below. On Communion…
Amanda looks at a passage from Romans to consider how we are perhaps not yet living in the fullness of Christ. She remembers a girl hassling her young daughter that…
Lance talks about a time he ended up in Vegas and made a tentative attempt at gambling at a slot machine, which ended poorly. But prayer, he reminds us, is…
When Paul first began preaching in the streets, it was clear immediately that something incredible was happening. People’s lives were being transformed. When the Holy Spirit is doing something, he…
Amanda tells the story of Saul being blinded, healed, and transformed to become Paul, a faithful disciple of Christ. She compares it to the Choose Your Own Adventure books she…