Message From The Pastors


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March 17, 2025

Dear Church Family,

These are exciting days in the life of our church.  Last Sunday, we began a new season of gathering together on one campus for Sunday School and worship.  It was a wonderful day of celebrating one another’s traditions and creating new ones together.  To make a great day even more wonderful, we welcomed three new members!

Remember as you come this morning that children ages newborn through 4th grade will meet in The Park on the 1st floor, students ages 5th grade through 12th grade are meeting on the 6th floor, and adult classes are meeting on the 4th and 2nd floors.  Adults will begin gathering at 9:30 a.m. on the 4th floor for coffee and fellowship followed by an assembly at 9:50 a.m. Classes will move to their classrooms at 10:00 a.m.

Altar Umoja will worship at 11:00 a.m. on the 2nd floor while worshipers from Traditional and The Source will worship together in the Sanctuary at 11:00 a.m.  After our worship services, there will be a gathering time for members from The Source to check in with one another and to meet new people!  Ken is out of town today, but Anthony will be hosting this time of coffee and conversation.  Everyone is welcome.

That’s just the tip of the iceberg!  Please keep reading below to learn about all of the great ministries that are available, such as our Tuesday Pastors’ Lenten Bible Study, STAAR Bag Collection, a trip to Turkey and Greece with Pastor Lance, and upcoming summer camp and mission trip opportunities.  We are just getting started in this new season, and I can’t wait to see all that God is going to do as we continue to walk this road together.

Yours in Christ,

Pastor Lance
Rev. Lance Richards
Senior Pastor

[email protected]

Previous Messages From The Pastor

A New Season Begins Downtown Tomorrow!

“For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven.”  Ecclesiastes 3:1 Dear Church Family, This week marks a changing of the seasons.  As the calendar turned from February to March, we entered meteorological spring in Houston.  To mark the occasion we not only have Spring Break beginning this weekend for […]

Important Information About Our Upcoming Transition

Dear Church Family, The next couple of Sundays, March 2nd and 9th, mark a transition point in the life of our church.  Tomorrow morning, March 2nd, we will hold the last of our Traditional, Altar-Umoja, and The Source Worship Services on our West Campus for this season.  Beginning Sunday, March 9th, all worship and Sunday [...]

God Makes All Things New

“And the one who was seated on the throne said, “See, I am making all things new.” Also he said, “Write this, for these words are trustworthy and true.” – Revelation 21:5 Dear Church Family, These are exciting days in the life of our church.  Last Sunday, we had our firstNew Member Orientation of the year […]

Here’s Some Of What Else Is Happening At First Methodist!

Coffee and Connection

Join us after Sunday worship service for Coffee and Connection. Every month, we’ll host a time where our church family, new members, or first-time visitors can get to know our pastors and staff one-on-one in a casual conversation over coffee. Each time will be different! We hope to use this as a way to make […]

STAAR Test Snack Bag Drive

During the month of March, we will be collecting snacks to support students taking the STAAR test at Port Houston Elementary and Westchase Neighborhood Schools. Every Sunday in March! Feel free to drop off donations of individually packaged goldfish and/or fruit snacks in the bin on campus.

All Youth Mission Trip

An All Youth Mission Trip is happening June 22-27! This summer we will be serving in Lufkin, TX. The trip is open to students who will be in the 6th – 12th grade for fall of 2025. The cost is $250 per student, with a deposit of $25 required. Financial assistance is available. Contact Pastor […]

Quillian Volunteers Needed

Quillian Center offers several programs for our children and youth. We are currently in need of volunteers. Let us know how you you would like to help!

Turkey & Greece Trip

A biblical & cultural journey is a 13 day trip to Turkey & Greece. Join us to experience these beautiful & inspiring places that will stay with you for years to come.

Lifeline Needs Volunteers

Currently, Lifeline serves 100 sack lunches each week. While we serve both men and women, about 95% of our clients are men. Clients are welcome to visit on Monday or Wednesday mornings. We are looking for Volunteers to help in our efforts on serving the community. We need volunteers on Monday or Wednesdays between 8:45 […]

Stephen Ministry Can Help

Are You Going Through A Difficult time? A Stephen Minister can help. Stephen Ministers are members of our congregation who listen, care, and spiritual support to people going through a crisis or a difficult time.

Kidz Night Out at Quillian Center

Kidz Night Out is hosted several Friday nights per month, and it’s just for kids. Children between the ages of 5 to 14 will engage in a fun, energetic and safe environment focused on keeping the children active. They will have the opportunity to hang out with friends, interact with a professional and fun loving […]

Discipleship Interest Survey

What Are You Looking For? Our new pastor of discipleship, Steven Newcomb, has put together a survey to find out what our congregation is looking for in regards to classes, Sunday schools, and mid-week Bible studies. We’d very much like to know what you want. The link to take the discipleship survey is here. Let […]

Lifeline Donations

Lifeline is in need of some specific donations as we get into the summer months. As the weather gets hot, Lifeline has found itself short of a number of items our homeless community is in need of. If you are able, please purchase or donate any of these items and drop them off in the […]

NIA Weekly Volunteer Ministries

Neighbors in Action is looking for volunteers for our weekly volunteer ministries. Please contact Kathrin Meier for more information: [email protected]

Volunteers Needed

Get Involved! If you’re interested in being a part of the ministry of First Methodist Houston, but aren’t sure where you might fit, scan the QR code and find out! Take our volunteer accelerator quiz, or scroll through the opportunities available and see what feels right to you.