Message From The Pastors


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February 15, 2025

Dear Church Family,

“Let us hold fast to the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who has promised is faithful. And let us consider how to provoke one another to love and good deeds, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” 
– Hebrews 10:23-25

Dear Church Family,

We are getting closer to March 9th, the day when we are bringing all worship and Sunday School from West Campus to our Downtown Campus.  We are preparing a place for all of our West Campus members in our Downtown facility and there is a place for each and every person to belong.  Here is what you can expect initially as we make this transition.

Adult Sunday School
We are looking forward to beginning a reinvigorated Adult Sunday School experience for all of our adults beginning on March 9th.  All adult classes will meet on the 4th floor Downtown.  There will be a time for coffee and fellowship beginning at 9:30 a.m. followed by an all Sunday School gathering at 9:45 a.m. for hymn singing and announcements.  Classes will break out from the gathering to individual rooms by 10:00 a.m. and will wrap up around 10:45 a.m. to make it downstairs for worship.

This new format and arrangement will help us accomplish several goals:
– build fellowship across all classes and a common culture around Adult Sunday School,
– create a welcoming, hospitable, and Spirit-filled environment that makes it easy for new people to find their place,
– shape a space where short-term, stand alone studies can be taught after the gathering time on the 4th floor intended for people who are not currently in Sunday School to find community and eventually get plugged in to a class, and
– provide a time for us to teach our “membership on-ramp,” a series of classes designed to help new members get involved in the life of the church.

We will be announcing Sunday School classroom assignments over the next week.  Please let Pastor Steven know if your class needs help getting moved into your new room.  We will be happy to assist you!

Children and Youth Sunday School
Infants through 4th grade will be meeting in The Park on the 1st floor.  5th and 6th graders will join the Youth on the 6th floor.  We are so excited to have all of our children, youth, staff, and volunteers in one place to build relationships and grow in faith together.  All of our ministires will be more consistently excellent as we gather togehter!

Everyone will come together for worship in the Downtown Sanctuary on March 9th in a service similar to the one we experienced on January 26th, featuring music and leadership from each of our worship services. Moving forward, here’s what our different expressions of worship will look like in the next season:

After our all-church worship on March 9th, Altar-Umoja will establish a rhythm of coming together with the whole church for worship on the first Sundays in the Sanctuary and gathering on their own on the other Sundays on the 2nd floor.  A regular schedule will be established for Swallowship and that rhythm will be announced soon.

The Source
When we think about The Source, people have a different idea depending on which generation they may have been a part of.  Looking ahead, our modern worship service will need to establish a new culture all its own and be launched as a brand new service designed to reach new people.  We need a little gap between what has been and what will be in order to accomplish this goal.

With that in mind, here is what you can expect in the immediate next season.  I invite everyone who has been worshiping at The Source to worship as a part of the 11:00 service Downtown beginning March 9th.  The service will involve some familiar leadership from The Source and feature some modern music.  Worshiping together for a season will help us to come together as a whole church and reunify before we relaunch so that we are building a new service together.

Throughout the season of Lent, Pastor Ken will be available in the Connection Point after the service to check in with members from The Source over coffee.  After Lent, we will begin gathering the launch team for the new modern service, to dream, plan, gather, build, and preview a new worship experience.  I pray all of our members from The Source will come help us build community and lead us to reach new people for Jesus Christ.

Our traditional services will gather in the Downtown sanctuary to sing familiar hymns and enjoy choral music led by familiar staff and musicians.  I hope all of our West Campus Traditional Service attendees will come and join us Downtown!

We are working to make sure everyone has a ride Downtown! If you’re in need of transportation to the Downtown campus on Sunday mornings, please contact Susie Horr at [email protected].

Closing Thoughts

I know change can be unsettling.  The Pastoral team is here to help you navigate the changes to come and to help you find your place.  Our Downtown members are truly excited to welcome members from our West Campus to our Downtown facilities.  We are all one church and you belong here!

It is my sincere hope that everyone who has been a part of our West Campus will come Downtown and help us build up the church.  I believe God is not done with our West Campus and it will take all of us working together to reimagine our work out West and relaunch ministry on that campus in the years ahead.  Coming together in one place over this next season will help us take bold steps forward as one body in the future.

On this Valentine’s weekend I want each and every one of you to know that you are loved by God and by me too.  I consider it a joy and an honor to be your Pastor and, though we are navigating some changes that we might not have chosen, I am grateful to be living these days with you and excited about all that is to come.

Yours in Christ,

Pastor Lance
Rev. Lance Richards
Senior Pastor

[email protected]

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