Ash Wednesday

What Is Ash Wednesday?

Ash Wednesday is the first day of Lent, the 40 days leading to Easter, where we begin a journey towards preparing our hearts for Easter, and the world-changing miracle that celebration represents.

Lent begins with a small marking of ashes, a little dust that confronts us with our sin, and our mortality – from dust to come and to dust we return, save for the miraculous actions of Easter day. This season is typically one of discipleship – where we try to transform our dirt into something holy. People often “give up” something for Lent, an exercise that reminds us in our sacrifice to be mindful of the sacrifice Jesus made for us.

Discipleship always starts with an encounter with Jesus.  Even though we are the ones marked with dust on Ash Wednesday, Jesus is ultimately the one who gets dirty. The sacrifice Jesus made is what frees us from the markings of sin – because of him, we walk free and clean.

On Ash Wednesday, you wear a cross on your hand or forehead as a visible reminder that though you are marked with dust today, you are forever unmarked by the gift and sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

When Is Ash Wednesday?

This year, Ash Wednesday falls on March 5th.

How Can I Celebrate Ash Wednesday This Year?

At our Downtown Campus, First Methodist Houston will be hosting a traditional Ash Wednesday service at noon in the Downtown Sanctuary. The service is always a moving one, and will also be live streamed on our Facebook page, our YouTube page, or on our Live Streaming page. No matter where you are, you can join with us in worship.

Continuing our tradition, we will be providing curbside ashes to the city of Houston – starting during morning rush hour and continuing throughout the day, including over the lunch period. You can stop by any time during those times and receive the imposition of ashes on the sidewalk outside the Downtown Campus, and pray with any of the clergy or laity serving there, or take a moment of reflection and prayer in the Downtown Chapel.

We will also be providing ashes on our West Campus during the school pick-up time. If you would like to volunteer in either location to help dispense ashes, please contact Susie Horr at [email protected].

Curbside Ashes

Downtown Campus Drive-Thru Ashes

7 a.m. – 7 p.m.

West Campus Drive-Thru Ashes

provided during the school pick-up hour

Worship Services

Downtown Campus Noon Worship Service

12:00 p.m. In The Sanctuary

Online Services

12:00 p.m. – Ash Wednesday Service Watch Online

Ash Wednesday Volunteers

Come be a part of our Curbside Ashes outreach! We will be outside our Downtown campus from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., as well as serving the school pick-up line on our West Campus, and we want to invite our church family to join us, imposing ashes on visitors who stop, meeting and praying with members of our community, and helping to be a welcoming introduction to our church home. Click here to see the sign up sheet and find a time that works for you.

Curbside Ashes Details

Curbside Ashes (Downtown)

Our Curbside Ash Station is easy to find. Drive down Clay Street at the front of the church. Cones will mark the spot where you can pull in and experience the imposition of ashes, right in front of the church’s front steps. A pastor or a member of our staff or congregation will be waiting there for you. If you would like to be prayed with or prayed over, we would be delighted to. Just ask.

Click here for directions