Day 89

The voice of the one crying in the wilderness, ‘Make ready the way of the Lord, Make His paths straight.’

– Mark 1:3 (NASB)

Advent means “approaching.” It is the period of preparation for the birth of Jesus, the coming of the Messiah. Today begins the first day of Advent. As we begin this season, make a new commitment to the Lord to “prepare and wait” for Him. Think about adding some additional exercises to your spiritual disciplines (Ex. fasting, silence, extended times of prayer). Prepare your heart for God to reveal Himself to you. There are additional resources in the FMH App that you might find helpful. Contemplate the meaning of this verse and talk with God today about how He wants you to prepare for Him.

Father, I commit myself in this season of Advent to You. Give me new eyes to see You and to understand Your will for my life and for Your church. Draw me into Your presence through the journey of Advent.