Day 56

Finally, all of you, be like-minded, be sympathetic, love one another, be compassionate and humble.
– 1 Peter 3:8 (NIV)

Read the verse again slowly. Now, think about it. Does it seem impossible to you that Christians could be “like-minded?” Yet, the instruction tells us: all of you, be like-minded. Be sympathetic. Love one another. Be compassionate and humble.

The early church was identified by their love for one another, their compassion, and their generosity. How are we doing? Are you practicing these things? Are they characteristics to which you ascribe? Ask God to make us like-minded, as we follow Christ.

Lord, it seems impossible that we could be “like-minded” but what is impossible with man is possible with You. Help me to do the work to listen to Your voice and encourage my brothers and sisters to do likewise. Help us to set aside our ego and be ready to listen. Unify us in Your Spirit for Your purposes