Day 52

If someone has wronged you, do not repay them with a wrong. Try to do what everyone considers to be good. Do everything possible on your part to live in peace with everybody.

– Romans 12:17-18 (NKJV)

When someone treats us unjustly or unfairly, our natural impulse is retribution. God asks us at that moment to surrender our right to justice and join Him in mercy. Doing what is good to those who oppose us is divine – it is Christlike; it is not a command to be passive but rather to take an active role in the well-being of the one who has wronged us. This leaves little doubt about the presence of God. It is hard to do battle with someone who is helping you. Peace ensues.

We are responsible for ourselves and accountable to God alone. That is good news.

Lord, help us to see people and situations from Your point of view before we decide to act, and give us humility to respond in love, keeping peace as we are able. Give us the strength to offer mercy in the most undeserving moment as Jesus did to those who were crucifying Him. Teach us not to react in a manner that destroys Your testimony.