Day 41

Listen to me, my people; hear me, my nation: Instruction will go out from me; My justice will become a light to the nations.

– Isaiah 51:4 (NIV)

Imagine God with a megaphone. He speaks emphatically, “Listen to me; hear me.” He claims us as His own, he speaks like a father intent on having his children’s attention. His instruction is vital and life-giving, his justice is a light to the nations. If God leads with justice, so should we, and we should listen for His instruction. Don’t get ahead of God.

Father, too often I do not listen to Your instruction. I move ahead on my own initiative. Forgive me. I commit to listen for Your voice and heed Your instruction. I will pursue justice as I follow You and look for it as I look for a light in the darkness. Use me as your own. Use Your Church as an instrument of justice, and a light to the nations