Day 40


Then He [Jesus] said to His disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Therefore, plead with the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest.”

– Matthew 9:37-38 (NASB)

Throughout God’s redemptive history, there has been a need for workers eager to turn souls from darkness to the kingdom of light. Jesus asked his disciples to plead with the Father, and that request has not diminished. As we focus on missions during the month of October, pray that the Lord will raise up workers in His vineyard to meet the great need for the harvest of souls all over the world.

Lord, I pray for all those who labor in Your vineyard today. Grant them Your strength, provision, and grace. Help them remain strong and faithful to Your call, even through difficult and challenging times. Raise up workers wherever the harvest of souls has need.