Day 39

The Lord will be king over the whole earth. On that day there will be one Lord, and his name the only name.

– Zechariah 14:9 (NIV)

Imagine the day. “The Lord will be king over the entire earth.” Take a moment to let it sink in. “His name will be the only name.” There will be no nation-states, no governments, and no ruler but the Lord. All that will matter is our relationship with Him and how we cared for others. How are YOU doing with your relationship with Him? How are you doing at “loving your neighbor as yourself?” The Lord loves you and is speaking to you. Any moment can be a new start.

Lord, You are the Almighty. You spoke creation into being and You are the eternal King. I am nothing in Your presence, and yet you love me and choose to reveal Yourself to me. I am sinful and selfish, and so I rely only on Your grace for redemption. I recommit my life to You. Save me from chasing after other kingdoms. I will serve Your Kingdom only.