Day 36


He has shown you O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.

– Micah 6:8 (NIV)

Have you wondered about God’s will for your life? What He wants from you? Micah 6:8 simplifies it. If we behave justly, love mercy and walk with God humbly, we please Him. Are you aware of injustices that affect others? Is God leading you to speak up or help make a change? In what ways are you behaving unjustly or unmercifully with those around you? Do you need to make time to listen to cries for justice? Pray through this verse, asking God to show you what needs your attention.

Lord, please give me Your merciful heart for ALL people. Help me listen to others. Show me when I have closed my ears to the suffering around me. Help me seek Your justice in every situation. Give me the strength of character to stand against injustice as You reveal it. Show me my unjust behavior. I repent of my pride and arrogance, particularly in the way I approach You. Grant me a spirit of humility that I may understand You and know You more.