Day 289


While the son was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion.

– Luke 15:20

The Lord didn’t come for the pious and the perfect. He came for the weak and the lost. We have all been in those places in our lives. The good news is that our Father is looking at us from a distance, waiting for us to come home. If you are far away from the Lord, turn and run (don’t walk) back into his loving care. He is waiting for you with great compassion.

Prayer: Dear God, we have all strayed from You at different times in our lives. Like the prodigal son, may we swallow our pride and come back to Your love and care. Help us stay put and never wander again.

Petition: For protection for those in harm’s way in Ukraine and Myanmar. For God to comfort them and reveal Himself to them. For God to humble the leaders and bring justice to the oppressed.