Day 285


In my distress I called upon the Lord, And cried to my God for help; He heard my voice from His temple, And my cry for help before Him came into His ears.

– Psalm 18:6 (NASB)

The moment a prayer left your lips, it went straight to God’s ears. Don’t think for a moment that He does not care about you. Be careful about the thought in your head that says God is not listening. God works in His time and always for our good. Be patient and trust Him. God is still on the throne in control of everything, including the answer to your prayer.

Prayer: Father, we may have intimate knowledge of You, yet doubt can still cast a shadow over us. Forgive us when our trust is unstable like the waves of the sea, tossing and turning.

Petition: For our state government leaders to lead with compassion and justice. To be strengthened and have wisdom for the tasks at hand. For them to be guided by love and free from personal gain and political pressure.

Petition: For those around the world facing trouble and strife. That they will reach out to the Lord as their refuge.