Day 283


In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.

– 2 Timothy 3:12

Christians have a long history of persecution for our beliefs, and many are still persecuted severely around the world today. Although in the western world we do not face such severe punishment, we still risk being socially outcast and ostracized for being different. Social pressures can be tough to overcome, and we must be willing to sacrifice standing out from the crowd. If we live focused on Christ, we will suffer in some way for our faith, but He will be with us, and we will find joy in sharing in His sufferings.

Prayer: Lord, I ask for the strength to be willing to follow You and all You have called me to. Help me keep my eyes on You and not dwell on other’s opinions of me. Help me love the way You love. I know that I will not always be comfortable, but I want to do Your will.

Petition: That those being persecuted around the world will be strengthened and encouraged to continue to live for God despite persecution they may face.