Day 279


Jesus replied, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment.”

– Matthew 22:37-38

Reflect on the verse and examine your heart. Confess your failure to love God this way and ask Him for the desire and discipline to set us on this course together.

Prayer: Father, help me to love You with my whole heart. Free my soul to long for You in the depths. Help me learn to engage my mind and will to love You in action and by choice, untethered by my emotions. I trust Your love for me.

Petition: For those impacted by the shooting in Uvalde. For healing and hope for the families and the community. That what was meant for evil, God will use for something good. For love to prevail in the hearts of those who are suffering and for them to feel God’s love.