Day 275


They brought Him a deaf man who also had a speech difficulty, and begged Jesus to lay His hand on him. He took him away from the crowd privately.

 - Mark 7:32-33

Have you ever been taken out of your element to a private place with Jesus? When Jesus summons you, it is often to give you a new perspective and to allow Him to show you once again, His love and glory. That’s what happened to the deaf man. He was alone with Jesus and his whole life changed. Don’t avoid the summons. Don’t say you are too busy. It’s during these times that we gain new insight, and we can continue our journey with the Lord uplifted and fresh.

Prayer: Lord, in my inner being, I have felt You calling me to a quiet place alone with You. I confess that sometimes I feel too busy to stop and go with You. I know I will miss out if I don’t go. Help me not to avoid Your summons, but to come to You with eager anticipation. Teach me Your ways and make me whole again. Amen

Petition: For the refugee women attending the Women’s Empowerment events. That they will be prosperous in their businesses and that God will soften their hearts that they may find Him.