Day 270


Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.

– Matthew 7:1-2

If we believe God’s word, there is motivation to stop judging others. None of us like to be judged, yet we practice it with such regularity we do not realize we are doing it. We are not to judge and if we do, we will be judged by the same measure. Let us cast aside judgment with the help of the Holy Spirit and offer the grace we so desperately desire.

Prayer: Lord, I confess my tendency to judge others. Instead, please give me a heart of forgiveness and compassion. Help me offer grace to others as You have shown toward me.

Petition: Pray against the spirit of judgment and condemnation that exists in our world and our church. Ask the Lord to give us humble hearts filled with compassion for one another.