Day 268


So he said to me, “This is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel: ‘Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,’ says the Lord Almighty. – Zechariah 4:6 

We are prideful children. We often solve problems using our strength and ideas without having consulted God in prayer. When we move forward with our plans it can lead to exhaustion and traveling down the wrong path. The Lord instructs us to act using His might and His power, not our own. Without God’s spirit to guide us, we will lose the battle.

Prayer: Father, forgive us when we rely on our limited knowledge. We are sorry for moving in haste and neglecting to ask for Your wisdom. Your way is always the right way.

Petition: For the protection of the children and staff of our children’s home in Myanmar. That God will change the hearts of the military leaders and that many people will come to know Jesus through this time of uncertainty and suffering. For our directors, Ivy and Joseph, for wisdom and discernment, and for the people they are serving who are struggling for food and necessities each day. That God will open doors and His storehouses to provide for them.