Day 267


Offer the right sacrifices and put your trust in the Lord.

– Psalms 4:5

Use this verse as a measure today and ask yourself how you are doing in this work. Scripture says that God desires us to offer a humble heart as our sacrifice. How are you doing in pursuing humility and in trusting the Lord? Sit quietly and ask the Lord to show You. He will help realign you.

Prayer: Lord, help me see where I am offering sacrifices that You have not requested. Help me be humble and pursue a humble position before you and others. I confess my trust in You alone. Help me to exercise that in the places where I am relying on myself and making my own way.

Petition: For our church members who are caring for aging parents and/or loved ones with illnesses. That the Lord will strengthen and encourage them in their daily tasks and be with them as they grieve changes taking place. That God will lead them to find rest and stamina