Day 264


The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; a good understanding have all those who practice it. His praise endures forever!

– Psalms 111:10

Whatever the question, however profound or mundane, the answer’s foundation is the reality of God. If you begin to work the problem by remembering that the One who created you is gracious, compassionate, faithful, and just, you are well on your way to resolution. Confusion and frustration can be avoided if we will only commit all our endeavors to the God who loves us.

Prayer: Father, I offer back to You this day You have so freely given to me. Use my failures as well as my victories to establish Your kingdom and make Your presence known in this world.

Petition: For the work of the Asset Optimization Team. That God will give them wisdom as they discern uses for church property assets on both campuses. For God to open doors for future ministries that He desires the church to establish.