Day 253


Why do you spend money for what is not bread, and your wages for what does not satisfy? Listen carefully to Me, and eat what is good, And delight yourself in abundance.

– Isaiah 55:2

After eating a meal, we will be hungry again in a few hours. The Word of God will nourish us for a lifetime. Is there a scripture that you call upon when your soul needs sustenance? Is there a verse close to your heart that has fed and strengthened you through the storms of life? Feast from the Word of God. Your soul will be satisfied for days, months, and even years. You will never be hungry again.

Prayer: Father, You are our provider. Your Word satisfies and keeps us full. Our hearts praise You.

Petition: For our interim pastors, Jim Welch and Charles Ruehl. For wisdom and discernment as they lead and make decisions. For encouragement and rest. That their minds will be sharp and their burdens light.