Day 241

Scripture: “

How are things getting along?” I asked the Jews who returned from their exile here. “Well,” they replied, “things are not good; the wall of Jerusalem is still torn down, and the gates are burned.” When I heard this, I sat down and cried. In fact, I refused to eat for several days because I spent the time praying to the God of heaven.
– Nehemiah 2:2b-3

How would you have responded to such bad news? Do you think you would have been angry, depressed, or resigned? Nehemiah was discouraged, but he took his pain straight to the Lord. He asked for wisdom, consolation, and help. God answered his prayers. When we get bad news (and we will) we must intentionally decide how we are going to react. Nehemiah’s model should help us when we face tough times.
The first thing to do is take your struggles to the Lord.

Prayer: Dear God, when I receive bad news or face major struggles I tend to ___________ (name the action). The next time I face disappointment, help me to remember that Nehemiah took his problems to You first. He didn’t try to manage them on his own. Thank you for your example and your great love.

Petition: For those in our congregation who are experiencing depression. That they will find the support and encouragement they need to walk this road. For the Holy Spirit to comfort and heal. For hope and light in the darkest times and for them to feel safe enough to confide in others in our community. For those around them to walk alongside without judgment or solution.