Day 24

But he gives us more grace. That is what the Scripture says: “God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble.”

– James 4:6

In case we do not understand God’s position on pride, this verse is very clear. God opposes the proud. It’s not that He prefers that we not be proud, He is an enemy of pride. There is no place for it in His Kingdom and it will destroy His purposes. For that reason, we must work and pray to remove it from our lives, at any cost. If we want to be close with God and hear His voice, we must do the work of bringing our prideful spirit before our Father, individually and as a church.

Father, we are sorry. We are prideful people. We have mistakenly admired pride and pursued it, personally and collectively. Forgive us, Father. Save us from our pride and arrogance. Give us a humble heart, that we may hear Your voice and live in Your favor. We repent of the pride we have sought and ask Your forgiveness, and for the grace to live differently as individuals and as Your church.