Day 238


While Peter was kept in prison, the church prayed fervently to God for him.
– Acts 12:5 NRSV

An arrest, a prison cell, and a death sentence- what could the early church possibly do to help Peter? Things were not looking good. They could pray, and they did earnestly and faithfully. Sometimes we say to ourselves, “I guess there’s nothing left to do but pray.” Our prayers during trying times should not be the last resort, but an immediate response to every challenge we face.

Prayer: Loving God, let me move to my knees when trouble comes my way. Help me avoid acting quickly in my own strength but rather, turn to You in earnest and faithful prayer. God, I trust You to work it out for Your glory.

Petition: For our church partners in Pakistan as they continue to train Christian leaders around the country. That they would be protected and continue to be encouraged and strengthened as they share God’s word. That many Christians will come to a deeper knowledge of the Lord and have a renewed boldness in their faith. For their unreached friends to learn of Christ’s great love for them and for Jesus to reveal Himself to them.