Day 237


Those who cling to worthless idols turn away from God’s love for them.
– Jonah 2:8

This verse is a good barometer for our relationship with God. Is your heart growing more in love with God? Do you experience His love for you more every passing year? If not, check the things you may have allowed to become idols in your life. Things that we place before God (time, treasure, relationships, status, things) are idols. If we hold them tighter than our relationship with God, we will be unable to experience the fullness of His love for us.

Prayer: Father, show me the things that I am allowing to come before You; the idols (name them if they come to mind) in which I am trusting. I surrender them to You. Pry them from my hands and my heart until You alone are all that I need, so I may experience the fullness of Your great love for me.

Petition: For those raising children alone, in our church and our communities. For them to be encouraged and strengthened as they raise their children. For rest and renewal even when they find little time for it. For prosperity and protection. For friends and family and our church community to come alongside and help them bear the burdens.