Day 236


One of the disciples, Thomas, “The Twin,” was not there at the time with the others. When they kept telling him, “We have seen the Lord,” he replied, “I won’t believe it unless I see the nail wounds in his hands – and put my fingers into them-and place my hand into his side.”

– John 20:24-25

Thomas’ honest doubt is rewarded with secure faith. The courage to be honest about what evades our understanding is the beginning of wisdom. Like Thomas, we will wrestle with our faith. Questions will arise and cause us to struggle with what we believe. God is compassionate with us during this time, and when we win the wrestling match, it will make us stronger. Don’t give up.

Prayer: God, sometimes I struggle with my faith. Please be with me as I try to bring meaning to my questions, and, in your mercy, send someone to encourage me. Don’t let me linger too long in doubt. Fill me with your truth so I may continue my walk with you.

Petition: For all Christians who are wrestling with their faith. For my brothers and sisters at church who are wrestling with their faith, they will be encouraged and find God in the places of struggle.