Day 230


Peace is what I leave with you; it is my own peace that I give you. I do not give it as the world does. Do not be worried and upset; do not be afraid.

– John 14:27 (NIV)

Jesus gives us His own peace. It does not depend on us or our circumstances and it transcends our understanding. Events happening in the world don’t need to rob us of peace because it only depends on Jesus. He instructs us not to be worried or upset. Today, confess your worry, anger, or anxiety to Him. Tell him each thing that has you worried and ask Him to help you let go of them. Ask for His peace in your heart.

Prayer: Jesus, thank You for offering me Your peace. Your peace is not dependent on my circumstances or understanding. Help me keep my eyes fixed on You and not allow events happening around me to rob my heart and mind of Your peace. Give me the strength to refocus and keep my eyes on You. I confess my worry, anger, or anxiety about…_______. I ask that You remove them from me. I am sorry for not trusting You completely. Please give me Your peace today. I love you.

Petition: For the sick and those who are unable to come to church due to health issues. For their physical and emotional healing. That God will comfort them and surround them with His angels. That we will be aware and able to care for them in our community.