Day 228


On that day it shall be said to Jerusalem: Do not fear, O Zion; Do not let your hands grow weak.
The Lord, your God, is in your midst, a warrior who gives victory; He will rejoice over you with gladness, he will renew you in his love; he will exult over you with loud singing.

– Zephaniah 3:16-17

During the time of Zephaniah, Jerusalem ignored the prophet’s warnings and turned farther away from God. They continued in their prideful state. However, God was eagerly awaiting their return. It’s the same with us today. He eagerly awaits our return when we drift away. When we come back, he rejoices over us, renews us with His love, and sings loudly over us. Have you turned away from God? Come back with a repentant heart and let God restore you. Let him sing with joy over you.

Prayer: Dear God, it’s easy to get caught up in the ways of the world and let pride enter my life. Forgive me and help me to turn back to You today. Set me free and sing over me….loudly.

Petition: For the men and women living on the streets of Houston, that they may be protected and comforted. For them to experience God’s love and be brought into a relationship with Christ. For support and opportunity for those who desire it. For our congregation to show compassion and love to those in need.