Day 222


My heart is not proud, Lord, my eyes are not haughty; I do not concern myself with great matters or things too wonderful for me. But I have calmed and quieted myself, I am like a weaned child with its mother; like a weaned child I am content.

– Psalm 131:1-2

Meditate on the verse today. Is your heart proud? Are your eyes haughty? Ask the Spirit to show you. Are you concerned with matters too great for you to understand? Are you tempted to make judgments from a haughty attitude? Calm and quiet yourself before the Lord. It is within your control. Stay before God until you are quiet and content.

Prayer: Father, I confess my pride and arrogance. I have concerned myself with things that only You understand. I have assumed Your role and judged others to the point of condemnation. I am deeply sorry. Please forgive me. I am quiet and content in Your presence. Commune with me, please.

Petition: For our refugee friends. That they will find love and acceptance from us and others as they build new lives in Houston. For the protection of the children as they process the trauma they have endured. For the parents to thrive in their work and be blessed with the resources they need. That each person will come to understand and desire a relationship with Jesus Christ and that we will be loving ambassadors for God to them.