Day 218


With his own blood – not the blood of goats and calves – he entered the Most Holy Place once for all time and secured our redemption forever.

– Hebrews 9:12

Read the verse a few times and spend time meditating on it today. Jesus gave His own life to secure your redemption. Our sin cost His life and He gave it to secure for us a relationship with Him. As we near Easter, ask God to give you a new understanding of this sacrifice.

Prayer: Respond to Jesus from your heart. Ask Him for more understanding of His great love.

Petition: For Sneed Elementary School (near the West Campus). For each child to be physically and emotionally protected. For them to excel in the understanding of their studies and for the school to be a safe place for them to thrive. For the teachers and administrators to be encouraged and strengthened as they lead. For them to grow in love and knowledge of God.