Day 212


“My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. Where can I go and meet with God?”

— Psalm 42:2

Are you aware of a thirst for God? Or is it that your heart is divided by the cares of this world? If you are not experiencing a compulsion for the things of God, there are still depths of His love for you that are yet to be explored. Ask Him to take you to a place of thirst for Him that makes everything else fade away.

Prayer: Father, I need You. I long for You deep in my soul. I confess my dependence on the things of this world and ask You to forgive me and help me thirst for You more than anything else.

Petition: For those in harm’s way in Ukraine. For God to protect and encourage them. For justice to prevail. For Putin’s heart to change and that he will be brought to repentance. For the millions of refugees fleeing the violence, for their emotional healing, grace, and opportunity as they rebuild their lives.