Day 209


“But the things that come out of the mouth come from the heart, and those things defile the person.”

— Matthew 15:18

What comes out of our mouths are reflections of what is in our hearts. Examine your words and they will reveal hidden iniquities. Are your words harsh and judgmental or are they kind and encouraging? Are your words deceitful or truthful? Jesus said it’s not what goes in the mouth that defiles a person, it’s what proceeds from the mouth. Your words reveal what is truly in your heart. Invite Jesus to be the Lord of your life and permeate your heart, then what comes out of your mouth will reveal the presence of Christ to everyone you meet.

Prayer: Father, create in us a pure heart and saturate our mind, body, and soul with Your presence. You are all we want, Lord. You are all we need.

Petition: For our hearts to turn to the Lord so that our speech and action reflect Him and not our own selfish desires. For Him to be in control of the direction of our church and for us to be humble and wait for Him to lead us, no matter the direction.