Day 208


“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”

— 1 John 1:9 (ESV)

Confession flows from self-awareness. We are all flawed. Confession leads to repentance (a change) and forgiveness (restoration). Are there sins that come to mind easily? Come clean to God. You need those out of the way so He can show you what you don’t want to see about yourself. This is the only path to freedom. God is faithful to wipe our sins away. In fact, He already has through the sacrifice of His Son.

Prayer: Father, I need You. Please remove my pride and grant me humility. Disturb me when I refuse to see things about myself that continue to enslave me even after You have already paid the price for my freedom.

Petition: For us to be humbled and have eyes to see what God is doing in and around our campuses. For the congregations to be burdened for those around us who have not yet come to know Christ.