Day 200


“Therefore, there is now no condemnation at all for those who are in Christ Jesus.”
— Romans 8:1 (NASB)

There is no condemnation? Why then do I feel guilty and punish myself for days, weeks, or years? What incredible news. There is no impediment for me to enter the presence of God? Our Father knows who we are. He recognizes our weaknesses and strength. It is Jesus Christ Himself who lives inside of us as guide and comforter. When the Father sees His children, He sees His Son in each of us.

Be quick to ask for forgiveness. God does not condemn His children. He is a forgiving Father, but you must also forgive yourself. No matter what you have done, you will never lose the love of our Father because there is no sin that will ever separate us from Him.

Prayer: Father, thank You for being there to catch us when we fail. Help us be swift to confess our sin and repent from it. We rely on Your help and strength to live life in Christ.

Petition: For our Neighbors in Action Ministry in the Port of Houston. For the families in the community to be drawn into God’s presence. For God to bless them and make them prosperous. For God to use them to tell others about Him. For the staff to lead in wisdom and discernment.